Pixilation Research - Week 1

Week 1 Camera Tutorial - Pixilation Exercise


These videos below are made using an ordinary digital camera where the photos have been sequenced into a video using Adobe Premier Pro CS6. The photos are imported into the video editor as a JPEG sequence and then the speed is adjusted to make the movement somewhat natural. To make the videos clips longer a play forward- play back cycle was used.

Three Step Walk

Pixilation can be used in a similar way to cardboard cutout stop motion. This video below was created using three different step positions photographed in front of a green screen. This was only a demo video so little time was not taken to match the walk with the background movement.
Three Walk Positions

Video animation using the images above

Walk through the forest

This next video was made using a real walk while a quick succession of photos were taken. The camera was on a tripod.

Sliding up the stairs

This next video demonstrates controlled position changes. Unlike the previous video each photo was taken with the actor on a different stair. The camera was on a tripod.

Focus Animation

This next video shows what happens if a change of focus is made before each camera shot is taken. The camera was on a tripod.

Frame Animation

Another change that can be made to the camera between photos is the zoom and frame. This next video is not very pleasant to watch but this effect could be used to represent a chaotic situation.

The big jump

An interesting effect can be produced through capturing a sequence of photos in an unstable position, and then playing these images back as a video, showing us unnatural movement.  This next video was a sequence of photos where the actor was jumping. It looks like the actor has been thrown back by an explosion or otherwise is hanging on an invisible flying fox.

Man on Bench Seat

This last video is similar to the "Walking through the forest" but shows that in pixilation any kind of movements are possible.

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